Thursday, April 1, 2010


Some of my must-do's for summer 2k10, one can dream right?
Skinny dipping
breakfast at 1am (we're talkin' full breakfast, fruit & all)
pull an all nighter, maybe 2, maybe 10
grow sunflowers again
go camping
make my own ice cream
fall in love
acquire a few more freckles
trips to grandma's house
read "The Power of Now"
topless cigarette nights
walk more, ride more, drive less
so much taco king
give love, share love
T or D
take the train to LA
tell mama i love her every day
fly a kite
play, and sing, and play some more
celebrate the full moon
get in trouble

1 comment:

britt said...

i love your to-do list, and it's all do-able. therefore, i will adopt it as mine as well... and we will hold eachother accountable.